Search and replace, vim and git
Git provides some nice utility functionality that can make a vim development
environment much nicer. With recent updates to Vim it can now execute a command
for every item in the quickfix list (:cdo
) and location list (:ldo
). These
features work together quite nicely.
This new functionality has been introduced to vim from version 7.4.858 and is therefore available in vim8 and also available in neovim.
The Old Way
Back in 2011 I wrote a post about doing search and replace across multiple files with just the basic vim functionality. It’s quite common to use the arg list because its easy to add to:
:arg *.js
:arg `git ls-files`
and it’s easy to execute commands:
:argdo %s/foo/bar/gc
The New Way
Now that we can execute a command from the quickfix and location lists it is much easier to make larger, more controlled edits with the help of other features or plugins.
If you use syntastic
or neomake
for linting, a compiler via the :make
command, the built in :grep
or :vimgrep
commands or any number of other
plugins that integrate with these lists, such as
vim-fugitive, you can take advantage of
and :ldo
:grep foo **/*.js
Then you can execute commands like this:
:cdo s/foo/bar/gc
Git Is Awesome
Git is incredibly powerful and I often use a couple of features that are often overlooked:
git ls-files
- recursively list all the files in the repogit grep
- grep through all the files in the repo
One of the reasons these commands are so good is because by default they will
ignore the items in the .gitignore
I tend to work with javascript a fair bit and having an easy way to avoid those
nasty node_modules
directories readily available is great! Best of all, these
tools are available on just about every machine I work, on including the
machines of other peoples that I pair with.
My Workflow
I use ctrl-p
in vim and rather than relying on yet another third party tool
like ack
or ag
, I’ve configured crtl-p
like this:
let g:ctrlp_user_command = [
\ '.git',
\ 'cd %s && git ls-files . -co --exclude-standard',
\ 'find %s -type f'
It is super fast and I haven’t come across a situation where I need ctrl-p for a
large enough non-git repo and find
wasn’t good enough for… yet!
If you use vim-fugitive, there is also
a :Ggrep
command that behaves much like the builtin :grep
command, but it
will ignore the .gitignore
items. I use this quite a lot too:
:Ggrep foo
:Ggrep foo **/*.js
Then you can execute commands in the same manner as above:
:cdo s/foo/bar/gc
Because I use this so often, I’ve added the following mapping to my config to automatically search for the token under my cursor:
map <leader>g :Ggrep! <Bar> copen