Today we went to RMIT for the first time.
The campus is really nice and very modern. It has 3 levels, with a big food court on the bottom floor. The food court had one place called “Lygon street”, so that was interesting, then on the second floor, a cafe called “Lygon cafe” where we went for lunch. I got to have a more western meal - ham, cheese and lettuce wrap, very nice. It was good to bring a taste of Melbourne’s RMIT campus here, they even use similar terminals in the labs.
We headed out after breakfast by bus and got some log-ins for the system and had a couple of meeting about our project.
We stayed at RMIT until about 4, and headed back, and we decided to go to the market to get some snacks and water. We walked around for a little and headed back home without the water… sold out. As we approached the hotel, we thought we’de try the “polobar”. Knocked down a couple of drinks and headed home only to go back out again.
For dinner we went to KFC! It was a pretty good way to finish our already western-ised day out. One thing we noticed at all these places, is they have alot of staff. Back home, this many staff would send a business bankrupt, but here theres people behind the bench, people to open the door for you, people to carry your food… its great!
Apart from showing us what the RMIT campus is like, today was also a good day for our project. We managed to add a fair amount of structure to the team, and assigned roles. All-in-all a good productive day.
I am lacking photos from RMIT, but I will try to upload some as soon as I can.
This is a big model of the future RMIT campus, it looks like in the future this campus is going to be a very elaborate place with pools and tennis courts, etc.

Tomorrow is our first real “photo-shoot” day, so hopefully, if all goes well there should be some good photos in the next post.
BTW, sorry about the delayed post, internet at this hotel is… well, BAD.