Today I got up and had breakie before going back to my room to pack my things. When I came here, I brought my luggage and a backpack, then I bought a camera bag at Plaza Low Yat in KL, so all together I have 3 bags, which has proved to be a bit difficult to pack. I was a bit worried, but luckily my luggage expands and I (just) fit it all in. I’m hoping I’ll still have enough room for things from Hong Kong.
I eventually got a cab to KL Sentral, then the bus to LCCT to catch my flight to Hong Kong. I got there a bit early and ended up having a chat to a friendly Malaysian psychology student.
My flight to Hong Kong was pretty good. It took about 3 hours and I was lucky enough to get a whole row to myself. Just before take off and landing, cool air came out of the vents on the side of the plane, but it was visibly cold air (maybe part of a dehumidifier?). It looked like the plane turned into a fridge! This actually happened when we landed in KL, but not as much as this flight.

The only downside was the row in front and behind me had a group of incredibly loud Chinese guys. The whole flight they were yelling at each other and what sounded like trying to cough up flem! Is that meant to be cool? As we were taking off (and the plane was climbing) a couple of them undone their seatbelts and changed seats! The air hostess had to tell them to sit down, buckle up and quiet down a few times during the flight.
Finally got to Hong Kong and I had a pretty smooth run. When I got out I met up with Michelle who was waiting for me at arrivals. Unfortunately Michelle hit a couple of problems. We went to get some cash out so we could get a train into the city and Michelle’s card wouldn’t work. After jumping on the free wifi to check the balance, we tried calling ANZ with a payphone and about 30 seconds in, the call died. We eventually changed some Aussie money to get by.

So we got a train from the airport to Kowloon, then a free shuttle bus from Kowloon to our hotel. As the train was going through a tunnel (or something) all of a sudden Michelle and I got a pain in our ears! It was like when the plane takes off, but more sudden - really weird. The bus driver was crazy!! Some people say I accelerate and brake fast, this guy was way worse and the streets are smaller, and there are people everywhere! It looked like we had a few near misses!

Got to our hotel, The Luxe Manor, and checked in. Our hotel is really interesting. Its like a kooky little cottage! There are painted photo frames everywhere and a painted fireplace. Our tv (which has a wireless keyboard!) is in a massive old-school painting frame.
One down side is there is no easy place for Mish to smoke, so she is smoking in the bathroom… which doesn’t have a fan… and really stinks!!
Deodorant is working a little, but I plan on buying some air freshener :)
We unpacked and Michelle’s shampoo had leaked in her bag all over her clothes, hair dryer and straightener. Not having the best luck. We had a quick cuppa and headed out to explore.

Out hotel backs onto Knutsford Terrace, which is full of night life and restaurants. Pretty convenient!

We eventually got food from this little Vietnamese place. Which was nothing impressive, but hit the spot.

After dinner we bought some SIM cards and headed back to the hotel.