Today we went to DisneySea! This is another place we went to on our last trip, but it is a pretty impressive park and Rob had such a good time last time that he couldn’t stand still with excitement this time around.
Because I’ve already blogged about DisneySea on my last blog, I’ll keep this one fairly short because not much has changed.
The good thing about this time around was the timing. Compared to last time we went, the park was practically empty! All the rides had about a five minute wait time without a fast pass, where as last time, the fast pass was the only way to get through the queue in a decent time.
Rob F, Rob O and Sarah went on all the rides multiple times, even one of them nine times! I spent most of the day walking around the park taking photos and checking out the other non-ride entertainment.
Sarah’s friend actually works in DisneySea as Ariel in The Little Mermaid. The theatre for this show is obviously set as an underwater scene, and Arial among other characters are suspended by cables and fly around the theatre, it looked pretty good and seems like a much more exciting job than most! Unfortunately I wasn’t allowed to take photos inside.
During the afternoon, Jono and I went get a drink at a food court and because there was barely anyone else where, we had a pretty good service! There was staff to greet us at the door, another to direct us to the counter to order, three staff members to serve us and the rest where just cleaning. Jono managed to spill his drink all over the table and tried cleaning it with some small serviettes, so I called a cleaner over to help and she was really apologetic… for Jono’s screw up. She moved the trays to a new table and seated us, called another staff member over and got her to fetch Jono a new drink (for free!) and continued to clean the table until it was spotless! If that was in Australia, I don’t think the cleaners would have showed so much enthusiasm and he probably would have had to buy a new drink himself.

Here a bunch of photos from the day…
We had TGI Friday’s for dinner near DisneySea and I had an awesome steak with Jack Daniels sauce… so good it was worth mentioning here!